Last Updated on 8 months by General

As a proud El Paso native, you hold a deep appreciation for the city’s unique charms, from its mesmerizing sunsets to its delectable cuisine and warm-hearted people. Your journey led you to graduate from the University of Texas at El Paso with a dual degree in Multimedia Journalism and Digital Media Production.

Your passion for storytelling initially drew you to the world of filmmaking, and it was your determination to wield a camera that led to your first internship at KVIA. From there, your path unfolded, taking you on a journey that included roles as a reporter at KTSM, freelance work with the Associated Press, and a fellowship with VICE.

You’ve often expressed that you have been fortunate enough to have two great loves: journalism and film. Your ultimate goal is to bridge the gap between these two passions with every story you tell.

Each day, your affection for your city deepens, and you consider it an incredible privilege to share the stories of the community that raised you. El Paso is more than just a location; it’s home.

If anyone has a story idea to share or simply wants to discuss movies with a fellow film enthusiast, they can connect with you via email at or through your profiles on Facebook and Twitter. Your dedication to telling the stories of your beloved El Paso shines through in your work as a journalist and filmmaker.

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